Recovery Position

For SEVERE Medical Emergencies:
Call 911
or your designated emergency number
The recovery position will help keep the airway clear and open if the victim vomits.

If the victim has a possible head, neck, or spine injury, do not move him unless his airway is compromised by vomiting or copious secretions or if you must leave him temporarily to go get help and call 9-1-1 or your designated emergency number.

If you must move the victim for these reasons, extend one of his arms above his head and roll his body to the side so that his head rests on his extended arm. Bend both legs for stability.

Leaving a person in the recovery position for prolonged periods can affect circulation. If a victim shows signs of restricted circulation, such as pale, ashen, or cool skin, place him in the recovery position on the opposite side.

First Voice Training - Recovery Position